Base Gels, Clear Gels, Forms, Tips & Accessories, Manicure Gels (Soak Off), Pink Gels, Prep Materials, Liquids & Disinfection, SPECIALS, Specialty Gels, Top Gels, White Gels
Builder Gel Intro Kit
Mosaic Professionails Builder Gel Intro kit includes everything you need to get started with Mosaic!
Freshner 15ml
Ultrabond Primer 15ml
Architect X Base Gel 15ml
Crystal Builder Gel 5ml
Ice… -
Casting, Transfer & Pigment Foils, Foil Gels, Specialty Gels
Foil Gel Clear
Beautiful glossy silver bottle… a true reflection of the product inside!
Specialty Gels
Gem Gel
The perfect clear gel for attaching Swarovski crystals, crystal pixie or your favourite embellishment.Ā Stronger than glue! Soaks off in 3-5 minutes with UV-Lac Remover.Ā Can be applied on any…
Specialty Gels
Gem Gel +
The perfect clear gel for attaching Swarovski crystals, crystal pixie or your favourite embellishment.Ā Stronger than glue! Soaks off in 3-5 minutes with UV-Lac Remover.Ā Can be applied on any…